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Soin-Koru Dam is a multipurpose dam located about five kilometers upstream of Muhoroni town and across Nyando River that forms the boundary between Kericho and Kisumu Counties.  The proposed project will reduce flooding problem on lower reaches of River Nyando. It will also supply 72,000m3/day of water for domestic use, irrigation of 2,570 Hectares of land and generation of 2.5MW of hydropower. The dam is proposed to be a zoned rock fill dam with an impermeable clay core. It will have water storage capacity of 93.7Million cubic metres. This project is funded by the Government of Kenya.

The dam embankment will be constructed across Koitatui and Got Alila Hills. The water treatment works are located about 1km to the downstream of the dam wall from where water will flow by gravity to low lying areas mainly on Kisumu side while water to serve Kericho side will be pumped to main storage tank at Kwa Nyangilo from where water will be served to various points on the targeted areas.

Project Objectives

  • To supply potable water to meet water deficit in Kisumu City and neighbouring areas like Awasi, Chemelil and Ahero
  • To supply potable water to meet domestic water needs within the areas pf Koitaburot, Chepsengeny, Kaplelach, Pala and Nyaidho areas of Awasi, Kapkisai and Simbi.
  • Other areas to be supplied with clean water include Kabore, Kapkormom, Kejiriet and Kaptalamwa, Kipsitet, Nyaberi, Baregeiwet, Kaitui, Kiprugumo, Sombicho and parts of Soko-huru.
  • Supply water for irrigation to ensure food security on lower areas of Awasi and Ahero. Project Supply Area

Project Supply Area

The project supply area consists of villages around Awasi and Ahero towns and Kisumu City on Kisumu County. On Kericho County, the supply area covers 65% of land mass of Soin Division that has two wards, namely; Soin and Soliat. The water will be pumped to a tank located at Kwa Nyangilo from where water will flow by gravity to most of the areas except some few supply areas where supply boosting will be required. These areas are upstream areas of Soin/Soliat wards.

Project Components

The proposed project shall consist of the following key components as shown in the table below:


Dam Embankment


Embankment crest length


Reservoir Storage Capacity


Water Treatment Plant


Hydropower generation



Project Benefits

  • Supply of water to parts of Kericho and Kisumu Counties. The parts to be supplied with water are as mentioned above. The project has made efforts to cover parts of Kericho County as a way of balancing benefits to the two counties. These areas will be served through pumping systems. The cost of pumping will be met by revenue realized from the power generation that will be fed into the national grid;
  • Flow of water in Nyando River will be regulated throughout the year. River Nyando forms the boundary between the two counties. This means that economic activities like irrigated farming will be made more vibrant.
  • Employment: A committee will be put in place consisting of representatives from Kisumu and Kericho Counties to take care of interests of all stakeholders. Among the duties of the committee is to oversee equitable engagement of persons from the two counties in provision of local labor and employment opportunities in the project

Project Implementation

The project is divided into two components as follows:

  1. Lot 1 (Dam Component) consisting of dam embankment and associated structures, hydropower generation plant and raw water main; and
  2. Lot 2 (Water Supply Component) consisting of water treatment works, trunk delivery pipelines and storage tanks.
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