The Ministry of Water and Sanitation has appointed the Board of Directors for National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority. The Board Chairman Dr. David Nkedianye was appointed by H.E The President. Both the Board Chairman and the Board of Directors were appointed through a gazette notice dated 8th February, 2019.
The members of the Board appointed are:
- Mr. Benard Otieno Okebe, HSC
- Dr. Geoffrey Gitau Kamau
- Hon. Banticha Abdullahi Jaldesa
- Ms. Monica Namunyak Cherutich
- Mr. Waningilo Walubengo
- Ms. Jane Mwikali
- Mr. Abdi Dara
- Eng. S.O Alima, Member; Representing the PS- Ministry of Water & Sanitation and Irrigation
- Mr. Samuel M. Mwati; Director representing PS Lands and Physical Planning
- Chris Makokha Member, Representing Inspectorate of State Corporations
- Eng. Geoffrey Sang – Ag. Chief Executive Officer & Secretary to the Board
Speaking during a familiarization meeting with management, the Board Chairman urged senior managers to work with the board in improving service delivery. He noted that water is key in the implementation of the big four agenda.
He also emphasized on team work in discharging the new mandate that is very critical- water harvesting and storage. “ We must work as a team to ensure we discharge our mandate diligently and provide water to the mwananchi.”