The proposed Muruny Dam is located near Kapsait Primary School at Murkokoi Center which is approximately 43km from Kapenguria Town. The site location is covered on SK Map 75/4 Cherangany at GPS coordinates 36 N 0761064 and UTM 0129350, elevation 2690 masl at the riverbed. The project area lies within the Rift Valley Drainage Basin. River Muruny emanates from Cherangany Hills and flows in a North Eastern direction before finally draining into Lake Turkana.
Project commenced on 30th March, 2015 with a contract period of 3 years and a defects liability period of 2 years. The following is general information:
Financier: The Government of Kenya
Contractor: M/S china Jiangxi International Kenya Ltd
Consultant: Shah Technical Consultant in Association with Batch Associates Ltd
Proposed Muruny Dam is located near Kapsait Primary School at Murkokoi Centre which is approximately 43km from Kapenguria town. The project is divided into two (2) lots:
Lot I covering the dam component
Lot II covering the water supply component
The scope of woks comprises the following permanent works;
Construction of two access roads with a combined length of approximately 2.7km
Construction of earth fill embankment Dam with the following components
30m High Earth fill embankment of crest length 154m, total embankment Volume 327,850m3
Foundation treatment through grouting
184m Long twin cell Diversion Box Culverts 2.5m X 2.25m
10m wide Ogee controlled side channel spillway 180m long
15m long bridge crossing over spillway
154m long Crest Road
30m high offtake tower, 4.85m by 4.85m in cross section.
71m Long bridge across the reservoir
11km long raw water main pipeline of 800mm diameter.
Auxiliary Works