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Sintaan Ng’ambo area in Marigat, Baringo County witnessed massive destruction from floods last year where over fifty families were displaced and three schools closed within the area forcing candidates to be transferred to nearby schools to sit their exams, a factor that affected their performance. National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority undertook intervention measures to address flood menace in Marigat sub-county especially along Perkerra River. It is estimated that floods affect 15% of the area resulting in crop destruction, displacement of inhabitants, destruction of infrastructure and interference of learning in schools and institutions of learning.

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Gabion dykes along Perkerra River

The emergency works that have been carried out include blocking of two flood gates using gabion boxes filled with hardcore, quarry stones, bush clearing and removal of logs along River Perkerra near Sintaan Primary School. Plans are underway to undertake major works that will be extended to cover Upper Perkerra, Molo River, and Endao River. The main causes of flooding in Marigat area are:

Low land gradients

High silt load from the catchment area

Human activities; – (Cutting of prosorphis for charcoal burning and leaving some remains in the river course.

The estimated population affected by floods is as follows

Ng’ambo Sub Location     460 Households

Sintaan Sub location         486 Households

Leswaa Sub Location        51 Households

TOTAL                              997   Households

The above figures are for the current area where flood mitigation works are being undertaken along Perkerra River only.

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Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water & Sanitation and Irrigation Mr. Simon Chelugui with senior officials from NWHSA, local administration and leaders inspects the flood control works.

After construction of the emergency flood control works around Sintaan Primary School, the following benefits have been realized:

  • Learning in Sintaan Primary School has not been interrupted by floods.
  • There has been no damage of property such as classrooms, fences, houses as witnessed last year.
  • Farms on the upstream of Sintaan Primary School which used to be flooded and resulting in destruction of crops are now expecting plenty harvests. Crops planted along Perkerra River include vegetables, papaws and maize. The maize acreage that is largely owned by Kenya Seed is about 300.

Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water & Sanitation and Irrigation Mr. Simon Chelugui Commissioned the Marigat Flood control project on 3rd of August. Local leaders led by area MP Hon. Charles Kamuren, Members of the County Assembly, and local administration were present. NWHSA team were led by Director Monica Cherutich who represented the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer Eng. Sammy Mburu, Ag. General Manager Planning & Design Eng. Henry Kigenyi, Engineer in charge of flood control works Eng. David Gitau and Project engineer Eng. Fred Machine among other staff.

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