Chapter six of our Constitution gives highlights on leadership and integrity which include responsibilities of leadership and guiding principles of leadership and integrity with an emphasis on public trust, honor and dignity of public offices.
The Public Service Commission (PSC) in conjunction with the State Committee Advisory Committee (SCAC) developed a Code of Governance for State Corporations commonly known as the Mwongozo code which is anchored on the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.
Further, Article 10 of the Constitution entrenches national values and principles of governance that bind all State organs, State officers, public officers and all persons. These are:
(a) patriotism, national unity, sharing and devolution of power, the rule of law, democracy and participation of the people;
(b) human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-discrimination and protection of the marginalized;
(c) good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability; and
(d) sustainable development.
“Corporate governance is the structure and system of rules, practices and processes by which an organization is directed, controlled and held accountable. It encompasses authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control exercised in organizations.” Corporate governance also provides the framework for achieving the objectives of the organization, and creates benchmarks for the measurement of corporate performance and disclosure. Mwongozo Code, 2015.
The Board of Directors of NWHSA were appointed by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation in July 2022 through a gazette notice. This followed an earlier appointment of the Chairman of the Board by the President.
The Board of Directors provides strategic direction to the organization, exercise control and remain accountable to stakeholders. It is therefore the role of the Board to determine the organization’s Mission, Vision, Purpose and Core Values, set and oversee the overall strategy and approve significant policies of the organization.
They also ensure that the strategy is aligned with the purpose of the organization, legitimate interests and expectations of its stakeholders and the long term goals of the organization on sustainability.
Other roles of the Board as outlined in the Mwongozo include:
- Approve the organizational structure.
- Approve the annual budget of the organization.
- Monitor the organization’s performance and ensure sustainability.
- Enhance the corporate image of the organization.
- Ensure availability of adequate resources for the achievement of the organization’s objectives.
- Ensure effective communication with stakeholders.
The Mandate of National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority is to undertake on behalf of the National Government, the development, management, and maintenance of national public water works for water resources storage and flood control.
It is therefore the responsibility of the Board of Directors to provide the required leadership in designing suitable plans and strategies that will contribute to high and sustainable socio-economic development.
The Board ensures that the Authority has a credible Strategic Plan and Performance Contract that will deliver the desired goals and support the achievement of the agreed performance targets.