The Hydromet Conference with the theme “Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative: The Imperative for Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Region” kicked off on 4th November, 2024 in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.
The main objective of conference was to explore areas of collaboration and increase regional synergies to improve Hydromet and early warning services in Ethiopia and East Africa.
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Temesgen Truneh opened the conference officially yesterday. He reiterated that the initiative plays a key role in improving forest cover hence restoring water bodies, recharging ground water and protecting soil erosion.
Mr. Temesgen added that 40 billion seedlings have been planted over the past six years through the program. This has created positive impact on the environment and other benefits like food security and job creation. He noted the need for reliable early warning system to mitigate against effects of climate change.
The Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation, Eng. Eric Mugaa emphasized the need for sustainable management of water so as to achieve economic stability, and social equity. “As we experience the effects of climate change and pressure on the scarce water resources due to increasing population and high demand for water, it is time to take concerted action towards sustainable water resources management.” Eng. Mugaa added that there is need to invest more on new water technologies and innovations such as real-time monitoring systems to achieve sustainable water resources management, protect water sources and sustainable infrastructure.
National Water Authority’s Ag. Chief Executive Officer Eng. Julius Mugun represented the CS at the conference.
The conference which is organized by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) is bringing together different stakeholders that include ministers, leaders of water sector institutions and climate actions, representatives from hydrometeorological, early warning and climate service providers, development agencies, regional and global research institutions, and academia.