The UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, will take place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, UK. The summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
During the previous conference held in Paris, governments agreed that mobilizing stronger and more ambitious climate action is urgently required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The National Climate Change Action Plan 2018 – 2022 aims “to further Kenya’s sustainable development by providing mechanisms and measures to achieve low carbon climate resilient development and create a link with priority areas.” Under the Water Sector, the plan outlines various measures of enhancing resilience of the Blue Economy and water sector as follows:
• Increase annual per capita water availability through the development of water infrastructure
• Climate proof water harvesting and water storage infrastructure and improve flood control
• Increase affordable water harvesting-based livelihood programs
• Promote water efficiency (monitor, reduce, re-use, and recycle)
• Improve access to good quality water
• Improve climate resilience of coastal communities
• Climate proof coastal infrastructure
The Sunday Nation carried a Climate Action pull-out on 1st of August, 2021 which focused on the water sector. The Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Sicily Kariuki, (Mrs.) EGH says the Ministry has aligned its operations with the National Climate Action Plan and is in the process of establishing a sector Climate and Green Economy Unit to handle matters climate change.
Why Climate Action matters to us
The opportunities for action could not have come at a better time than now when adverse effects of climate change have been felt world over. We have witnessed shifting weather patterns that have resulted in food insecurity, catastrophic flooding, desert locust outbreaks, rising sea levels and temperatures across the globe. We therefore have a major role to play in increasing access to safe and clean water while mitigating against floods and drought.
Water Harvesting and Storage for climate change adaptation
“We intend to increase water storage in the country by 148.6 million cubic meters and enhance sustainability of constructed water structures through operations and maintenance. Further, we shall protect lives and property from the effects of floods and drought by constructing and maintaining 70km of dykes, 125 small pans/dams and 203 boreholes. by the year 2026 as per our strategic objectives.” CS. Sharon Obonyo- Ag. Chief Executive Officer.
Water Harvesting and Storage projects
The Authority has implemented various water harvesting and storage projects across the country ranging from large dams, medium and small dams and pans, boreholes and masonry tanks. Complete Large dams are Chemususu Dam in Baringo County, Kiserian Dam in Kajiado County and Kirandich Dam in Baringo County.
Large dams at various stages of implementation
• Siyoi Muruny’ Dam West Pokot County
• Soin- Koru Dam Kericho and Kisumu Counties
• Isiolo Dam (Nkutuk Elkinyang’) Isiolo, Samburu & Laikipia Counties
• Badasa Dam Marsabit County
• Nyahururu Dam Nyandarua County
• Upper Narok Dam Narok County
• Londiani Dam Kericho County
• Rumuruti Dam Laikipia County
• Umaa Dam Kitui County
• Bosto Dam Bomet County
• Igembe North Water Supply Meru County
Medium dam: Naku’etum (Peace) Dam; Turkana County- complete
Complete Rehabilitated Dams
• Maruba Dam- Machakos County
• Kalundu Dam- Kitui County
• Hohwe Dam- Nyeri County
Small dams and pans:
The National Water Master Plan (NWMP) 2030 sets out plans to support the realization of Vision 2030 through the development of 17,860 small dams and water pans that will increase access by 893 Million m³; a significant water storage capacity.
The Authority; formerly National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) has constructed over 1000 small dams and pans mainly in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) across the country. This has contributed tremendously to the increase in water storage by approximately 20 Million m³ serving about 1.5 million people and over two million domestic animals.
Flood Control
We have implemented various flood control projects in flood-prone areas most of which are ongoing. These are:
• River Awach Tende in Homabay
• River Sabwani in Trans- Nzoia
• River Kawalase in Turkana
• Goda – Merti in Isiolo
• River Kuja in Migori
• River Nyando in Kisumu
• River Kapkakwa in Elgeyo Marakwet
• River Perkerra in Baringo
• River Nzoia in Busia
• Oloipito-Elmasharian check dam in Narok
• Budalangi flood control; currently spearheaded by the Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation.
The Sustainable Development Goal number 13 on Climate Action calls on all of us to “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”
Written by Joyce Jepkemboi
Chief Corporate Communications Officer