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April 25, 2023In December of 1992, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that the 22 day of March of every year be declared as World Water Day and observed annually across the world. Subsequently, the Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation the lead government agency in organizing the 31st Edition of the World Water Day celebrations that took place in Lodokejek Primary School, Samburu West Sub-County in Samburu County. The theme of this year was “Accelerating Change.” The Authority actively took part in the celebrations led by the Chairman of the Board Dr. Samuel Thiong’o and Ag. Chief Executive Officer, CS. Sharon Obonyo. They were accompanied by staff from the Authority. Two Officers were part of the National Organizing Committee and an additional member was in the Infrastructural Development Sub-Committee. The Authority used the opportunity to create awareness on its mandate to stakeholders and answered their queries while noting their views. We also donated a 10,000 litre water storage tank that will be used by the students within the school. In line with the nation-wide tree planting campaign launched in December 2022 by the President, to raise Kenya’s tree cover to 30% by 2032. NWHSA planted five hundred tree seedlings that included fruit trees and cypress. The Cabinet Secretary Hon. Alice Wahome said the Ministry will continue to play a critical role of ensuring progressive realization of universal access to water and sanitation services and food security through irrigation. Her speech was read by the Water PS, Dr. Ronoh. The celebrations in Samburu County culminated in commissioning of Lodokejek Borehole where Water Resource Authority handed over the water permit for the commissioned borehole to the Northern Water Works Development Agency. Samburu Governor, H.E. Lati Lelelit, thanked the Ministry of Water for choosing Samburu as the host county for the celebrations. He said the event brought benefits to the locals who shall now access clean water from Lodokejek borehole water supply.  Dr. Ronoh represented the Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Hon. Alice Wahome in the event. Also in attendance were Mrs. Esther Odundo, Deputy Director, Land Reclamation State Department for Irrigation, County Commissioner Mr. Henry Wafula, Senior Officials from the County, CEOs and Chairpersons from Water Sector Institutions Development partners and the public. WWD 2023 [...] Read more...
April 18, 2023Eng. John Karonji Muhia has been appointed as the Acting Chief Executive Officer of National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority with effect from 28th March 2023, by NWHSA’s Board. Outgoing CEO CS. Sharon Obonyo handed over the mantle to Eng. Muhia, thanking the Board for the opportunity to serve in that position. She also thanked staff for the support accorded to her and urged them to support Eng. Muhia, the new Ag. CEO. Chairman Rev. Dr. Samuel Mwangi accompanied by the Board of Directors announced the changes to staff yesterday. He thanked the outgoing Acting CEO CS. Obonyo noting that the Authority had made great achievements during her tenure. The Chairman highlighted some of the achievements that include complete projects, enhanced brand visibility of the Authority and improved stakeholder engagement. The chairman welcomed Eng. Muhia to the NWHSA family with an assurance of full support from the Board of Directors while urging management and all staff to accord the new Ag. CEO full support as he steers the Authority to greater heights. Eng. Muhia is an accomplished engineer with over 26 years of experience in the water sector. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering Technology and a Higher Diploma in Water Engineering. He has also undertaken leadership courses such as the Senior Management Course (SMC) and Strategic Leadership Program (SLDP). Dr. Mwangi added that the Board is confident that Eng. Muhia will discharge his duties as the Ag. CEO to his best ability in the implementation of the Authority’s mandate, while the Board will continue with their oversight role to ensure management meets the Authority’s targets and goals. Eng. Muhia thanked the staff, management and the Board for their welcome to the Authority adding that he is a team player who is looking forward to working with everyone to achieve the Authority’s goals. He urged staff to uphold team spirit, commitment and effort in all they do. [...] Read more...
March 14, 2023Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is the radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, cycle times, quality, employee and customer satisfaction. It involves the analysis and re-design of workflows and processes within an organization so as to develop better work processes in order to support the organization’s mandate and reduce costs. Ms. Jackline Otwori, a BPR consultant from the Public Service Transformation Department sensitized the management of the Authority on January 26th 2023. During the meeting, Ms. Otwori noted that the processes to be re-engineered have to be in line with the Authority’s main mandate which is to undertake on behalf of the national government, the development of national public water works for water resources storage and flood control. She reiterated that the re-designed processes enable achievement of the greatest possible benefits for an organization and its customers hence, it is a key driver of service improvement. According to Ms. Otwori, BPR process entails review of service delivery processes; selection of priority processes that require improvement; mapping of the current (As-Is) identified processes; undertaking a critical analysis of the processes and recommending new workflows; re-designing the process to come up with new (To –Be) processes; implementation; and monitoring the improved processes. The Authority’s Ag. Chief Executive Officer CS. Sharon thanked PSTD for its support in ensuring the Authority not only meets the Performance Contracting targets but also improves its processes and procedures by enabling cross-functional teams to work together to determine areas of improvement and ways to optimize them for maximum value thus improving service to the public. In this Financial Year 2022/2023, BPR is one of the key performance indicators whose objective is to facilitate Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to re-engineer their service delivery processes in order to enable them meet customer needs, reduce cost of doing business, improve efficiency and effectiveness and enhance competitiveness. Public service Transformation Department (PSTD) is providing technical support to undertake re-engineering and thereafter compile and publish a report on re-engineered processes for replication by other MDAs. sensitization of management on BPR [...] Read more...
March 10, 2023Water harvesting and storage is the way to go especially during this period of climate change where we have already witnessed erratic weather patterns of suppressed rainfall and in some cases, too much rainfall that causes floods. We have made tremendous achievements in the development of water infrastructure across the country both at the time when we were still operating under the Water Act 2002 as NWCPC, and now as NWHSA under Water Act 2016. Going back to NWCPC, the Corporation managed to complete the construction of; Chemususu Dam in Baringo which is meant to serve a population of 600,000 people once all the supply work is complete by the local agency.  Kiserian Dam in Kajiado was meant to serve a population of 253,000 people. However, this dam is now silted hence affecting its capacity. We urge the County Government of Kajiado and the local company that is using the water to ensure management of this infrastructure by de-silting it so that it is able to store water to its maximum capacity of 1.2 Million m3.  Maruba Dam in Machakos- serving a population 210,000 and Kirandich Dam in Baringo with a storage capacity of 413,000 m3. Siyoi-Muruny’ Dam in West Pokot is almost complete with a capacity of 8.9 million m3 and will serve a population of 350,000 people. Soin-Koru Dam has just kicked off although at the preliminary stage. This project will serve Kisumu and Kericho counties with a capacity of 93.7 Million m3, and most importantly, it is meant to curb floods along river Nyando. We have also constructed medium dams such as Naku’etum (Peace) Dam in Turkana County with a capacity of 600,000m3 serving a population of 20,000 people and 200,000 livestock. We rehabilitated Kalundu Dam which has a capacity of 500,000m3 meant for small-scale irrigation We have several other large dams under feasibility and design stage such as Bosto, Isiolo, Upper Narok, Londiani, Nyahururu and Rumuruti dams and Igembe North Water supply project. Small dams, water pans and boreholes We have constructed over 1,100 small dams and pans across the country especially in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) which have a cumulative storage capacity of approximately 20, million mᶟ. Additionally, we have drilled and equipped approximately 2000 boreholes serving six million people in various parts of the country. Flood control We have managed to construct flood control systems and other water infrastructure that have helped reduce the effects of floods. This year, people living along some sections of rivers Nyando and Awach-Tende were not displaced. Areas protected by dykes have managed to get bumper harvests from their crops and it is our joy and motivation to do more to ensure we cover more ground. Currently, we are carrying out various flood control projects along major rivers prone to floods where we seek to Improve the drainage capability of various rivers and Impound the flow within the flood plain and river channels. These are:  Kuja, Awach Tende/Maugo, Nyando, Nzoia- Budalang’I, Sabwani, Kapkakwa, Perkerra, Kawalase, Goda Merti, Sololo and Olopito El-Masharan check Dam. The meteorological department has predicted that we shall have long rains between this month of March and May, and for sure it has already started raining in most of the rural areas. What is your message to the public during this period? In the short-term, we urge the public to take advantage of the rains and harvest rain water at the household level through roof catchment. With the effects of climate change that we have all experienced, we cannot afford to lose water through run off. Rain water harvesting needs a concerted effort for us to make progress starting at the household level.  We also urge institutions like schools and hospitals to also harvest rain water for their domestic use. If we have 1 million households each storing 2000 litres of water, then this translates to 2 billion litres of water. On this note I urge the concerned government agencies to look into ways of lowering the cost of water storage tanks e.g. through tax exceptions or reduction so that the public can afford to buy the tanks. Mid-term interventions. For the mid-term interventions, we plan, in collaboration with our parent Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation to construct small dams and pans that have a storage capacity that range 10,000m3 to 50,000m3. to store surface run-off during the rainy season for use in the dry season. The Authority constructs on average 15 number such facilities every year and especially on ASAL areas. It also rehabilitates desilted water pans and dams to restore their original capacity. Additionally, drilling of boreholes is also a viable water harvesting and storage mechanism especially for schools and communities to ensure that potable water is available for their use. Where budget allows, construction of masonry tanks has more storage capacity ranging from 500 to 1000 m3 Long-term interventions In the long-term, we need additional large dams since they have bigger storage capacities hence, the solution to drought and floods. We are happy that the current administration led by H.E The President has pledged construction of 100 dams through Public Private Partnerships. This will not only curb drought but also alleviate food insecurity through irrigation. As a key implementing agency, we welcome this move by the government and we are ready to implement and support the government in this noble cause. Ways Kenyans are employing to make use of domestic water harvesting to mitigate the harsh effects of this drought? Kenyans are yet to embrace the aspect of domestic water harvesting and those that do, are doing it at a small scale either due to ignorance or limited income to put up the right infrastructure. But there are those with the income and the appropriate roofs ideal for rain water harvesting but are not maximizing on domestic water harvesting. Some homesteads however have the so called djabias where a paved ground or rock section water run-off is directed to an underground water storage. These are large, semi-underground tanks with water catchment systems that feed into them. This is very popular in the Indian ocean islands such as Wasini Island in Kwale County. Some communities have also dug ponds that are sometimes lined with an impermeable membrane to store run off water. Whichever methods we can each use to harvest rain water is welcome. Water storage tanks [...] Read more...
March 7, 2023National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority (NWHSA) has initiated talks with the county government of Vihiga on areas of collaboration in water development in the county. NWHSA’s Chairman Rev. Dr. Samuel Thiong’o highlighted the mandate of the Authority in undertaking on behalf of the national government, the development of national public water works for water resources storage and flood control. He added that the Authority has developed and supported social and economic well-being of Kenyans through improved access, availability and reliability of water supply in the country. The Governor of Vihiga County H.E. Dr. Wilber Ottichilo noted that the county is food insecure due to reliance on rain-fed agriculture hence the need to re-engineer the agriculture system through irrigation. This can only be achieved through provision of water through water infrastructure such as small dams and pans. The Ag. Chief Executive Officer CS. Sharon Obonyo assured the Governor and his team of the Authority’s rich expertise and resources to deliver quality projects adding the county has the potential to bridge the gap between demand and supply of water that is yet to be fully exploited. Governor Ottichilo was accompanied by the CEC, Ministry of Water Dr. Nicholas Mwandihi, Chief of staff Mr. Leonard Soita and Director of Communication Mr. Francis Matika. The management team from the Authority attended the meeting. They were led by the Ag. Chief Executive Officer CS. Sharon Obonyo, General Manager Finance CPA Patrick Ataro, the technical team Eng. David Gitau and Duncan Ondulo, Manager, Resource mobilization Mr. George Nyabicha and the Legal Officer CS. Doris Mwangi. [...] Read more...
September 30, 2022The UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, will take place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, UK. The summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. During the previous conference held in Paris, governments agreed that mobilizing stronger and more ambitious climate action is urgently required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. The National Climate Change Action Plan 2018 – 2022 aims “to further Kenya’s sustainable development by providing mechanisms and measures to achieve low carbon climate resilient development and create a link with priority areas.” Under the Water Sector, the plan outlines various measures of enhancing resilience of the Blue Economy and water sector as follows: • Increase annual per capita water availability through the development of water infrastructure • Climate proof water harvesting and water storage infrastructure and improve flood control • Increase affordable water harvesting-based livelihood programs • Promote water efficiency (monitor, reduce, re-use, and recycle) • Improve access to good quality water • Improve climate resilience of coastal communities • Climate proof coastal infrastructure The Sunday Nation carried a Climate Action pull-out on 1st of August, 2021 which focused on the water sector. The Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Sicily Kariuki, (Mrs.) EGH says the Ministry has aligned its operations with the National Climate Action Plan and is in the process of establishing a sector Climate and Green Economy Unit to handle matters climate change. Why Climate Action matters to us The opportunities for action could not have come at a better time than now when adverse effects of climate change have been felt world over. We have witnessed shifting weather patterns that have resulted in food insecurity, catastrophic flooding, desert locust outbreaks, rising sea levels and temperatures across the globe. We therefore have a major role to play in increasing access to safe and clean water while mitigating against floods and drought. Water Harvesting and Storage for climate change adaptation “We intend to increase water storage in the country by 148.6 million cubic meters and enhance sustainability of constructed water structures through operations and maintenance. Further, we shall protect lives and property from the effects of floods and drought by constructing and maintaining 70km of dykes, 125 small pans/dams and 203 boreholes. by the year 2026 as per our strategic objectives.” CS. Sharon Obonyo- Ag. Chief Executive Officer. Water Harvesting and Storage projects The Authority has implemented various water harvesting and storage projects across the country ranging from large dams, medium and small dams and pans, boreholes and masonry tanks. Complete Large dams are Chemususu Dam in Baringo County, Kiserian Dam in Kajiado County and Kirandich Dam in Baringo County. Large dams at various stages of implementation • Siyoi Muruny’ Dam West Pokot County • Soin- Koru Dam Kericho and Kisumu Counties • Isiolo Dam (Nkutuk Elkinyang’) Isiolo, Samburu & Laikipia Counties • Badasa Dam Marsabit County • Nyahururu Dam Nyandarua County • Upper Narok Dam Narok County • Londiani Dam Kericho County • Rumuruti Dam Laikipia County • Umaa Dam Kitui County • Bosto Dam Bomet County • Igembe North Water Supply Meru County Medium dam: Naku’etum (Peace) Dam; Turkana County- complete Complete Rehabilitated Dams • Maruba Dam- Machakos County • Kalundu Dam- Kitui County • Hohwe Dam- Nyeri County Small dams and pans: The National Water Master Plan (NWMP) 2030 sets out plans to support the realization of Vision 2030 through the development of 17,860 small dams and water pans that will increase access by 893 Million m³; a significant water storage capacity. The Authority; formerly National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) has constructed over 1000 small dams and pans mainly in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) across the country. This has contributed tremendously to the increase in water storage by approximately 20 Million m³ serving about 1.5 million people and over two million domestic animals. Flood Control We have implemented various flood control projects in flood-prone areas most of which are ongoing. These are: • River Awach Tende in Homabay • River Sabwani in Trans- Nzoia • River Kawalase in Turkana • Goda – Merti in Isiolo • River Kuja in Migori • River Nyando in Kisumu • River Kapkakwa in Elgeyo Marakwet • River Perkerra in Baringo • River Nzoia in Busia • Oloipito-Elmasharian check dam in Narok • Budalangi flood control; currently spearheaded by the Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation. The Sustainable Development Goal number 13 on Climate Action calls on all of us to “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.” Written by Joyce Jepkemboi Chief Corporate Communications Officer [...] Read more...
September 13, 2022The Chairman, Board of Directors, Management and staff of NWHSA congratulate you, H.E. President Dr. William Samoei Ruto, as you take up the responsibility of leading our country Kenya. We look forward to working with you in increasing access to clean water through water harvesting and Storage.  Hongera Rais! [...] Read more...
August 31, 2022Chapter six of our Constitution gives highlights on leadership and integrity which include responsibilities of leadership and guiding principles of leadership and integrity with an emphasis on public trust, honor and dignity of public offices. The Public Service Commission (PSC) in conjunction with the State Committee Advisory Committee (SCAC) developed a Code of Governance for State Corporations commonly known as the Mwongozo code which is anchored on the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Further, Article 10 of the Constitution entrenches national values and principles of governance that bind all State organs, State officers, public officers and all persons. These are:  (a) patriotism, national unity, sharing and devolution of power, the rule of law, democracy and participation of the people; (b) human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-discrimination and protection of the marginalized; (c) good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability; and (d) sustainable development. “Corporate governance is the structure and system of rules, practices and processes by which an organization is directed, controlled and held accountable. It encompasses authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control exercised in organizations.”  Corporate governance also provides the framework for achieving the objectives of the organization, and creates benchmarks for the measurement of corporate performance and disclosure.  Mwongozo Code, 2015. The Board of Directors of NWHSA were appointed by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation in July 2022 through a gazette notice. This followed an earlier appointment of the Chairman of the Board by the President. The Board of Directors provides strategic direction to the organization, exercise control and remain accountable to stakeholders. It is therefore the role of the Board to determine the organization’s Mission, Vision, Purpose and Core Values, set and oversee the overall strategy and approve significant policies of the organization. They also ensure that the strategy is aligned with the purpose of the organization, legitimate interests and expectations of its stakeholders and the long term goals of the organization on sustainability. Other roles of the Board as outlined in the Mwongozo include: Approve the organizational structure. Approve the annual budget of the organization. Monitor the organization’s performance and ensure sustainability. Enhance the corporate image of the organization. Ensure availability of adequate resources for the achievement of the organization’s objectives. Ensure effective communication with stakeholders. The Mandate of National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority is to undertake on behalf of the National Government, the development, management, and maintenance of national public water works for water resources storage and flood control. It is therefore the responsibility of the Board of Directors to provide the required leadership in designing suitable plans and strategies that will contribute to high and sustainable socio-economic development. The Board ensures that the Authority has a credible Strategic Plan and Performance Contract that will deliver the desired goals and support the achievement of the agreed performance targets. [...] Read more...
July 12, 2022I am delighted to join the National Water Harvesting & Authority (NWHSA) in the capacity of the Chairman of the Board. This is a great opportunity for me to join fellow colleagues and leadership in the water sector so as to serve the public through provision of water. The right to water and sanitation is enshrined under Article 43 of our Constitution where every person has a right to clean and safe water in adequate quantities and the right to reasonable standards of sanitation. Additionally, water is the key enabler for food security, universal healthcare, manufacturing and affordable Housing; I appreciate the efforts and milestones that the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation have achieved over the years even as we strife to achieve 80% water coverage by end of the year 2022 as a sector. The Ministry has put in place policies and regulations geared towards streamlining the operations in the sector for improved service delivery.  When I joined the Authority, the first thing that caught my attention was the slogan “Hifadhi Maji, Boresha Maisha” this sums it up and could not have been put in any other better way. Water is indeed life. Water is an essential requirement for prevention and protection of human health during infectious disease outbreaks, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic. We realized that investing in water infrastructure and sanitation is one of the most cost-effective strategies for increasing pandemic preparedness, especially in resource-constrained areas. I thank my predecessor Maj. General (Rtd.) Andre Ikenye for the great work he did during his tenure at NWHSA. I intend to pick up from where he left and move the Authority to the next level. The Authority has a huge mandate to Undertake on behalf of the national government, the development of national public water works for water resources storage and flood control. As a board, our job is cut out. We shall offer policy direction and oversight to management to ensure the mandate of the Authority is effectively and efficiently implemented. I am confident that management and staff have what it takes to deliver on this mandate and exceed expectation. I urge staff to utilize their vast skills, experience and diversity to improve performance and service delivery.   Good Corporate Governance I assure you of my commitment to Good Corporate Governance as per the Mwongozo code of governance which advocates for: Transparency and accountability Risk management and internal controls Ethical leadership and corporate citizenship. Stakeholder relationships Compliance with laws and regulations. Remember, the solutions to the challenges we face lie in our hands. Let us all be ambassadors of this great institution and work hard for a better tomorrow. Each of us has a role to play. I shall continue to work very closely with our parent Ministry and all our stakeholders to steer this Authority forward. Rt. Rev. Dr. Samuel Mwangi Thiong’o Chairman 12th July, 2022 [...] Read more...
July 4, 2022Reverend Dr. Samuel Mwangi is now the Chairman of National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority after his appointment by H.E. The President. He takes over from his predecessor Major Gen. (Rtd) Andrew Ikenye who was appointed to the ambassadorial post. During the handover ceremony, the Acting Chief Executive Officer, CS. Sharon Obonyo thanked the outgoing Chairman for his great stewardship. CS. Obonyo noted that the Authority had achieved great milestones under the leadership of Mr. Ikenye. She pointed out the following achievements made by the Authority during Maj Gen. (Rtd.) Ikenye tenure. Improved project execution, improved Performance Contracting score, better management of financial resources that has resulted in partial settlement of pending bills. During the Financial Year 2021/2022, staff in all cadres were trained in various courses as per their respective duties and this boosted their morale. The Strategic Plan 2022/2026 was launched in 2021 with the main purpose to crystallize and prioritize the strategic interventions that the Authority will implement within the period 2021-2026 towards fulfilling its mandate. The Plan helps the Authority to focus its efforts and serve as a resource mobilization tool for activities and projects planned for implementation within the stated time frame. On his part, the outgoing Chairman Major Gen. (Rtd.) Andrew Ikenye thanked all staff and management for the cordial and professional work relationship they have had for the period he was the Chairman at the Authority. Major Gen. (Rtd.) Ikenye said that he enjoyed working with everyone at the Authority because we gave him a chance and listened to him. He was very grateful to have been appointed to the Authority and despite staying for a short period, he had a quality time. He told the new Chairman that this is a great and professional team that will get the Authority to greater heights. In order to achieve the Authority’s mandate, Mr. Ikenye advised the new Chair to work closely with the parent Ministry of Water, Sanitation and irrigation. He concluded by urging us to give the new Chair the same support that we accorded him.   The incoming Chairman Rev. Dr. Samuel Mwangi started by congratulating the outgoing Chair for his new appointment. Dr. Mwangi said that he was glad to spearhead the mission of the Authority and for us to ensure that the Mission is realized; diversity, unity and oneness is key. Dr. Mwangi acknowledged that a lot has been accomplished and he is looking forward to picking up from where the outgoing Chair left. The Chairman was pleased to learn about the Authority’s Core Values below and urged staff to always live up to the values in their daily operations. Core Values -“STRAIGHT”  Sustainability:          Implementing development projects that take into consideration the current and future generation’s welfare. Transparency:         Acting in an open and honest manner in delivering our services. Reliability:              Delivering our mandate with resolve, consistency and trust. Accountability:        Answerable and acknowledging responsibility for our actions and decisions without shifting the blame. Innovation:            Growth in creativity and being responsive to new ideas. Governance:          Upholding principles of integrity. Honesty:                Upholding a quality of fairness and truthfulness in our operations. Teamwork:            Maintaining synergy in service delivery while ensuring professionalism.   Dr. Mwangi reiterated the need for new innovations that are result-oriented to meet customer needs especially as we start the new Financial Year. The Chair urged management and all staff to ensure the Authority achieves set targets in the Performance Contract as per set timelines. He said with the support of both internal and external stakeholders, he will discharge his mandate effectively. Dr. Mwangi is the National Chair of the Akorino Faith and a Senior Lecturer at various universities. He served as the Chair of the Interfaith Council on Covid 19 prevention “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 [...] Read more...
May 26, 2022National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority (NWHSA) yesterday signed the contract for the construction of Soin-Koru Dam with China Jiangxi international Kenya Limited and China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Company limited.The contract paves way for the start of construction of the multi-purpose dam project which will be a game changer in Kisumu and Kericho counties. Soin-Koru Dam is located about 5km upstream of Muhoroni Town and across Nyando River that forms the boundary between Kericho and Kisumu Counties. With a storage capacity of 93.7Million cubic metres, the dam will supply 72,000m3/day of water for domestic use, irrigation of 2,570 Hectares of land and generation of 2.5MW of hydropower.Project Benefits• To supply potable water to meet water deficit in parts of Kisumu and Kericho counties.• Supply water for irrigation to ensure food security on lower areas of Awasi and Ahero hence, economic activities like irrigated farming will be more vibrant to improve livelihoods of residents on these areas.• Flow of water in Nyando River will be regulated throughout the year hence the project will end the perennial flooding caused by River Nyando.The contract signing was done by representatives of all parties- NWHSA was represented by the Ag. CEO CS. Sharon Obonyo, while China Jiangxi international Kenya Limited and China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Company limited were led by the Vice President Mr. Libiya at the National Water Plaza. Present to witness the signing was NWHSA’s Chairman Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Andrew Ikenye and Senior officials from all parties. [...] Read more...
May 20, 2022The 11th Edition of Water Companies Sports Organization (WASCO) games took place in Kisumu County from 18th – 22nd April 2022. Hosted by Kisumu Water and Sewerage Company Ltd (KIWASCO) all ball games were played at Kisumu National Polytechnic while the other games being played at Aga Khan Hall & Mama Grace Onyango Social Center. This year’s theme was ‘Reduction of Non-Revenue Water through Community Engagement and Sports.’ Participants included various water companies across the country who not only competed in ball games, draught, darts, chess, scrabble, athletics, choir and cultural dance but all interacted, shared experiences, benchmarked and created network amongst each other.  National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority (NWHSA) took part in – S/NGAMETEAM LEADER1.PoolEdward Mwanzivi2.DraughtsGodfrey Ochuka3.BadmintonEng. Fred Machine4.DartsJob Kiprotich5.Table TennisJonah Mwania Speaking at the five-day event, Chief Guest at the WASCO games Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, EGH called upon Water Service Providers to put in place reduction measures which will ultimately translate to greater access to water services by Kenyans and increase revenue base for the water utilities. In attendance too was Dr. Andrew Tuimur, CBS CAS Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation who repeated that the government aims to increase sanitation coverage to 40% by the end of the year while aiming to scale up water coverage to 80% in the same period and at 100% by 2030. Present at the games was Ag Chief Executive Officer of NWHSA CS Sharon Obonyo who cheered her staff participating in the various sports disciplines and was particularly proud of Robert Nthenge who is serving in the National Governing Council in the Health Committee. She reiterated the mandate of NWHSA to all those in attendance and mentioned of some of our key projects around the country. [...] Read more...
May 11, 2022TURKANA MARKS World Water Day 2022 World Water Day 2022 celebrations were recently held in Turkana County. This is an annual UN observance day that highlights the importance of freshwater and is celebrated on the 22nd March of every year. The day was first observed in 1993 and is used to advocate for the sustainable management and development of freshwater resources. The theme for this year was “Groundwater, Making Invisible Visible”. During the event, the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation joined the rest of the world to focus public attention on the critical water issues and also inform on the activities the Government is undertaking in the Water Sector. National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority fully participated in the event which coincided with the launch of the Groundwater Mapping Report for Southern Turkana and Marsabit Counties in Lodwar. During the event, the Ministry in conjunction with USAID launched new areas to be mapped in Tana and Athi basin covering 17 counties. Mr. Gichangi Wotuku, Deputy Director, Groundwater who led the team from the Ministry to the celebrations said that the report marked an onset for further research and evidence based interventions in driving the country towards being more water secure through abstraction of groundwater. Dr Alain Gachet from Radar Technologies International (RTI) and Dr. Saud Amer from United State Geological Survey (USGS) clarified that the Lotikipi aquifer is not entirely saline as earlier reported. They stated that the exploratory boreholes drilled so far are too few for making any material scientific conclusion. Dr. Amer said USAID and the Ministry of Water have mapped out areas with fresh water in the aquifers. “Over 70 per cent of the rural population in Kenya depends on groundwater for their domestic water needs. There is also increasing use of groundwater for economic activities such as irrigation, fisheries, mining and industry,” he said. Further, Dr. Gachet said that during drilling, all the aquifers encountered should be independently sampled and water chemical analysis be carried out as further scientific information needed before conducting further research. He said further exploration would be conducted. Mr. Wotuku pointed out that the respective County governments had the responsibilities of initiating exploratory researches in collaboration with partners to resolve the water scarcity for the locals. Citing Napuu Water Supply Project as a significant example for the ground water resource, Wotuku said that Turkana had done sufficiently well to involve National Agencies like the National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority in sourcing for water and supplying the same to the locals in the area. H.E. Hon. Peter Emuria Lotethiro, Deputy Governor, Turkana County on his part directed that the Napuu Aquifer be marked and fenced immediately to avoid encroachment. “The County government is now ready to go to Lotikipi aquifer, in collaboration with the University of Nairobi and Oxford University, to map out the areas with saline water and we can start drilling,” he said. Calls were also made for increased investment in the water sector, use of research and coordinated involvement of stakeholders by several other stakeholders who attended the event. CPA Patrick Ataro, the General Manager – Finance represented the Chief Executive Officer. Others in attendance were George Nyabicha, Head of business Development Unit; Wilfred Munyiri from the Corporate Communications and Patrick Ndumia, the Project Supervisor. [...] Read more...
May 11, 2022World Water Day is an annual UN observance day that highlights the importance of freshwater. The day was first observed in 1993 and is used to advocate for the sustainable management and development of freshwater resources. NWHSA led by Chairman Maj. Gen, (Rtd) Andrew Ikenye and CEO CS Sharon Obonyo, joined the world in marking the 30th Edition of World Water Day in Kitui County at Maliku Primary School. The UN theme ‘Underground Water, Making The InvisibleVisible’and our national slogan “Tuhifadhi maji ya rdhini kwa vizazi vijavyo”.  Speaking at the event, the Deputy Governor Kitui and the Kitui Rural Member of Parliament lauded the Ministry for holding the event in Maliku. They both repeated that Kitui is a water scarce area with the of at least 85% population consuming dirty water.  As part of the Authority’s participation in this event, we donated 2 10lt tanks to promote roof water harvesting and 5 handwashing tanks for sanitation for the duration of the event and later to be donated to Maliku Primary School. All these were handed over to Mrs. Ben the Head teacher of the school. [...] Read more...
April 28, 2022Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for any institution shows its commitment to sustain development by collaborating with its employees, the local community, and society at large to improve lives in ways that benefits both the institution and its stakeholders. National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority understands the importance of CSR and how it affects both its internal and external activities for the success of the Authority. NWHSA has been involved in the below activities as part of its CSR: Tree Planting Forests play an important role in people’s lives. They provide unquantifiable benefits such as improving the climate, regulating stream and river flows, conserving and protecting soil mantle and provide stable habitats for wildlife. Forests are also the backbone of many important economic activities. Kenya has a small area of reserved forest of about 6%. A Presidential directive issued in June 2018 required all ministries ad parastatals to allocate at least 10% of the CSR budget towards support of afforestation. The purpose of this directive was to increase the country’s forest cover by from 6 – 10% as this would contribute to the conservation of the water tower and reduction of poverty levels.  In an effort to spearhead CSR activities, NWHSA continues to plant trees through different initiatives organized by the parent ministry – Ministry of Water, Sanitation & Irrigation. This will help efforts by the government to increase the forest cover across the country. COVID-19 prevention From the onset of the first corona virus case in Kenya in March 2020, the government immediately took stringent measures to curb the global pandemic. Access to water which is a crucial component in the fight against this pandemic was key. We joined efforts with the water sector institutions in ensuring there was water for handwashing and basic hygiene during the pandemic period. We donated several handwashing and storage tanks to various institutions in different counties.  We shall continue partnering with all our stakeholders to ensure harmonious relationship through participation in various activities aligned with our mandate to uundertake on behalf of the national government, the development of national public water works for water resources storage and flood control. [...] Read more...
March 18, 2022National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority CEO has been featured by the KIM Magazine You can Read the Magazine Here below [...] Read more...
March 16, 2022NWHSA SINKS A BORE IN NYAMIRA Briefly introduce yourself to our readers My name is CS. Sharon Obonyo, the Chief Executive Officer in Acting Capacity of the National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority, a position I have held since 28th April 2020. I am an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, a Certified Secretary with the Institute of Certified Secretaries and a mediator. I am currently working on my Arbitration certification at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch). My over 15 year’s career span has led me to specialize in strategic management and leadership in both government and private sector.  I have experience in: Governance, Business Development, and contract management as well as public policy management. I am privileged to have a career span that has been characterized by a legacy of firsts, a spectacle brought about by my courage to face new challenges, the ability to build high performance teams and my in-built strong value system. My cornerstones have always been working smart and people-management. Tell us about NWHSA The National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority (NWHSA) is established under Section 30 of the Water Act 2016. The Authority’s main mandate is to undertake on behalf of the National Government, the development of National Public Water Works for water resources storage and flood control and maintain and manage National public water works Infrastructure for water resources storage. The Authority came as a result of transition from National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC), whose main mandate was to develop state schemes and spearhead dam construction for water supplies, flood control and other multipurpose uses. In summary, our mandate is best captured by our slogan; “Hifadhi Maji, Boresha Maisha” which basically means water storage for Prosperous life. What is your greatest motivation and inspiration in your role as the Acting CEO of NWHSA? One of my work life philosophies revolves around leading with courage and optimism. As the team leader, it is my role to formulate and implement the Authority’s strategies to ensure the Authority attains its set objectives and accomplishes its mission. I am inspired by the fact that I am leading a team that aims to bring positive change in the livelihoods of many through provision of water. Kenya is still ranked in the severe water stress category based on the UN global scale on water security which stipulates a minimum of 1000 cubic metres per person per year. This means we still have many women and girls especially in the rural areas trekking for several kilometers in search of water.  I am extremely motivated when I see women and girls fetching water and animals quenching their thirst from the water sources we have constructed. Outline the achievements that the Authority has made in executing its mandate. We have made tremendous achievements in the development of water infrastructure across the country both at the time when we were still operating under the Water Act 2002 as NWCPC, and now as NWHSA under the new reforms in the water sector. Going back to NWCPC, the Corporation managed to complete the construction of the following projects: NWHSA’S PROJECTS  ProjectCapacity (m3)Population served (No. of people)Status   Large Dams Chemususu Dam35,000m3/day600,000Complete Maruba Dam8,000m3/day.210,000Complete Kiserian Dam15,700m3/day253,000Complete Ongoing Large Dam projects Siyoi-Muruny’ Dam8.9MM3 38,880m3/day350,000Complete Soin-Koru Dam72,000m3/day.93.7 Million m3Tendering Medium Dams Naku’etum (Peace) Dam600,000m320,000 people 200,000 livestock.Complete Kirandich Dam413,000 m365,000Complete Kalundu Dam  500,000m370,000Complete We have several other large dams under feasibility and design stage such as Isiolo, Upper Narok, Londiani, Nyahururu and Rumuruti and Igembe North Water supply project. Small dams, water pans and boreholes We have constructed over 1,100 small dams and pans across the country especially in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) which have a cumulative storage capacity of approximately 20, million mᶟ. Additionally, we have drilled and equipped approximately 2000 boreholes serving six million people in various parts of the country. Flood control We have managed to construct flood control systems and other water infrastructure that have helped reduce the effects of floods. This year, people living along some sections of rivers Nyando and Awach-Tende were not displaced. Areas protected by dykes have managed to get bumper harvests from their crops and it is our joy and motivation to do more to ensure we cover more ground. Currently, we are carrying out various flood control projects along major rivers prone to floods where we seek to Improve the drainage capability of various rivers and Impound the flow within the flood plain and river channels. These are:  Kuja, Awach Tende/Maugo, Nyando, Nzoia- Budalang’I, Sabwani, Kapkakwa, Perkerra, Kawalase, Goda Merti, Sololo and Olopito El-Masharan Dam. What are the key achievements that the Authority has achieved under your leadership? We have achieved so much that I am really proud of as a team leader. On projects, we have completed the construction of Naku’etum Peace Dam. This dam is located in the remotest part of Turkana County where water is a very scarce resource. I am happy that the project is a great success and most importantly, it has brought peace and harmony among the communities that live there. Napuu water project which was funded by the County government of Turkana and implemented by us under the Business Development Unit is a great milestone for us. The steel tank has a storage capacity of 300 m3 serving 3,300 households. During the FY 2020/2021, we implemented the National Water Harvesting & Ground Water Exploitation Programme and Water for Schools. We drilled and equipped twenty-one (21) boreholes. Further, we have put in place processes and systems in our operations that have improved service delivery and enhanced efficiency. Currently, we have taken steps to enable us get the ISO Standard 9001:2015 certification by December, this year. The country is currently grappling with challenges of drought yet a few months ago we had floods that caused massive destruction and loss of life. What strategies has the Authority put in place to cut the cycle? We have developed the National Water Harvesting and Storage Strategy (NWHSS) in collaboration with the Ministry which provides the medium term roadmap to achieve improved water security. We intend to increase water storage capacity by 148.6 million cubic meters (Mm3) between now and the year 2026 through completion of the ongoing projects such as Siyoi- Muruny Dam. Soin- Koru Dam will solve the problem of floods in Nyanza region. This a Vision 2030 flagship project meant for flood control among other functions with a storage capacity of 93.7 MM3. In the meantime, there is need to increase the flood control works to cover a wider area e.g. through use of more kilometers of dykes. We also intend to drill and equip more boreholes under the National Water Harvesting & Ground Water Exploitation Programme and Water for Schools. What challenges have you as the CEO and NWHSA faced in executing your mandate? We like to look at these challenges as opportunities. The main one is lack of enough financial resources to fully implement the projects so as to reduce to a minimum level the effects of floods and drought. For example, we require 1.5 billion shillings every year to do substantial flood control works against the current allocation of 400 million shillings. We are considering tapping into other options of raising funds such as Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Land compensation is also a great challenge as takes in the huge chunk of project budget. The Ministry of lands needs to look into this issue and set clear standards that will enhance efficiency. Is there any model country that you think we should borrow from as far as water harvesting is concerned? Tamil Nadu state in South India is a trendsetter in rain water harvesting. In 2003, India made rain water harvesting mandatory. Embracing Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is critical in the recharge of ground water, flood control and water storage. We are also encouraging households to harvest water using roof catchment. We can harvest so much water using small ponds, water pans, shallow wells, boreholes, dams and groundwater infiltration or ecosystem storage as the options for water harvesting and storage. What is your advice to young women aspiring to take leadership positions in the corporate world? My advice to budding female leaders would be: Believe in yourself. I encourage young women to engage in leadership roles or seek political office. I challenge young ladies to stand out and excel. Think of yourself as a leader first, before anything else. You need to know your role very well. When you understand the demands of your role expectations, it positions you better to develop or craft the right strategy to deliver outstanding performance and drive your journey to the top leadership position. Additionally, personal management and character is key. The manner in which you conduct yourself has a strong influence on how far you can go up the corporate leadership ladder. You will also need to learn how to deal with and cope with the challenge of favoritism because people tend to promote people who think and act like them, and there are more men in top leadership positions. Raise your hand. No woman ever gets into a leadership position without taking some risks along the way, surround yourself with people who will stretch you. The path to leadership is about learning, growing and evolving. Believe that you can, strike a work-life balance and be yourself. [...] Read more...
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