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All is set for the implementation of Bosto Dam

As the implementing agency of Bosto Dam, National Water Authority has put in place requisite measures in preparation to kick start the project. The Authority identified the need for water in Bomet and neighboring Kericho County and took necessary steps for the implementation of the dam which is at its final stages. The 20-billion-shilling project is set to be complete in three years.

Located along Kipsonoi river within the Southwest of Mau forest reserve, the dam is set to provide water to over 75% of Bomet County and some locations within the County of Kericho. With a reservoir capacity of 18.8 million cubic meters (18.8 billion liters), it will serve a population of 709,000 people within an estimated coverage area of 1052km². Further, the dam project will provide water for power generation and irrigation of approximately 17,500 acres.

Bomet County has an improved water access of 41% of the population compared to national coverage of 73%. Most of the water supply systems in the county are small, old and unsustainable hence the need to increase this coverage.

The primary objective of the project is to provide sufficient water supply to meet the medium and long-term demand for water in Bomet. It is targeted to serve Bomet town and Bomet constituencies of Sotik, Konoin, Bomet Central, Chepalungu, Bomet East and parts of Bureti sub-county in Kericho County.

Bosto Dam will be instrumental in contributing to the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda. Apart from irrigation which is key in agriculture, the water shall be an enabler to the other pillars of BETA such as Agriculture; Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Economy; Housing and Settlement; Healthcare; Digital Superhighway and Creative Economy.

The proposed project was designed and strategically positioned to supply water through a pure gravity system which is economical in construction, sustainable in operation and maintenance.

Further, pre-feasibility study recently undertaken by the Authority identified Bomet East and Chepalungu sub-counties as the driest parts of Bomet County with potential for irrigation with water from Bosto dam. Additionally, County Government of Bomet has designated a large portion of the targeted area as food basket and grain promotion zone according to Bomet County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) of 2023-2027.

The target crops for irrigation include sorghum, sweet potatoes, beans, maize, vegetables, mangoes, watermelons and bananas. Other potential crops that can perform well in the areas include onions, avocados and fodder for dairy farming. Provision of water for irrigation will increase production by significant margins and improve livelihoods through social-economic development.

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